The submission #426 is available as a PDF or from the NSW Legislative Council Public Accountability Committee Inquiry – “Impact of the WestConnex project” established on 21 June 2018.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a Transport Analyst and Planner, and as an independent citizen I have been studying transport in Sydney since 2008, specifically the M4, the M5 and Kingsford Smith Airport.
I have been studying the Westconnex since it first appeared in drops to the Daily Telegraph in mid-2012. I have provided independent technical and historical analysis of the project to the community and I am one of the persons most familiar with the project outside of its contractors.
This submission aims to address a key few of the inquiry’s terms of reference. Westconnex is not a single project, it is a brand that has been used for public relations to cover a range of existing road upgrade projects and long-planned motorway. Westconnex must also be considered in the context of the departments full plan which always included additional projects like the Campbell St widening, Quantas Dr widening, F6, and an M2-M4 motorway. Recently, the Westconnex brand has been used by the government to create new projects such as the Western Harbour Tunnel.
This submission has been written to provide the committee with the big picture and then some detailed technical information. I have attempted to provide information to assist you in understanding the hidden historical context.
I apologise that this submission is not exhaustive. During the writing process, I came to realise that an 18-page submission with attachments barely scratches the surface on this topic. …
Mathew Hounsell
Read the submission (as a PDF ) to find out when & why the NSW roads department changed the plan to create the Western Harbour Tunnel from the one shown below. (Hint: Manly)

Source: Department of Transport, 2010. “Infrastructure Australia – Updated Submission by the NSW Government 2010”