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Tag: Transport Analytics

Planned Doctoral Research

As at September 2022…

Enhancing Interpretive Models of Operational Efficiency using Measurements Derived from Big Data to develop Collaborative Multi-Modal Customer-Centric Key Performance Indicators for Transport

The 3E’s of Service Delivery and Value for Money

This doctorate is an extension of the author’s research into empirical measurement of public transport operations and passenger response. This research programme aims to assist all service partners in collaboratively implementing a Continuous Improvement Cycle (CIC) to deliver increased Value-for-Money (VFM) to the public, through using economy, efficiency, efficacy, & effectiveness to deliver transit that passengers perceive as Dependable, Timely, & Affordable.

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The 51 million times Sydneysiders didn’t tap on in March

Sydney’s public transport patronage has fallen by about three-quarters amid the coronavirus pandemic, with the fewest number of people using the network in almost a century.

About 51 million fewer trips were taken on Sydney’s rail, bus and ferry network last month compared to March 2019, as cities across Australia shut down and unemployment rose.

The last time so few people were travelling on the city’s rail network was the 1920s, said University of Technology Sydney transport expert Mathew Hounsell.

“Transport is a derived need. Road and rail usage drop dramatically during recessions,” he said.

Rabe, Singal (2020-04-08)
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Public transport growth surges past NSW government predictions

Growth on the [NSW] public transport network has hurtled past long-term government predictions, with 93 million more trips taken on buses and trains last year [FY 2018-19] than what was forecast for 2031.

A report used by the NSW government as the “framework” for investing tens of billions in transport projects over the coming decades predicted rail growth would increase by 26% between 2011 and 2031.

However, the rail network reached and then exceeded that predicted figure by 2017, more than a decade early.

Rabe, Singhal (2020-02-19)

Several people have highlighted the government’s response.

Asked how it would respond to the patronage, the state’s transport agency said the department was “delighted” that demand was outpacing population growth.

Rabe, Singhal (2020-02-19)

This story in the SMH is based on research I conducted and brought to Mr Rabe’s attention, back in November 2019. It took awhile to get the all the planets aligned.

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